Posts Tagged ‘ Copenhagen ’



via Alice Heart

My blues-playing friend had to go to Oslo the day after we met and had the most magical date of all time. When I left his hotel the next morning he said to me, “Should I come back from Oslo a day early so we can hang out?”

How is that even a question? YES!

He came back to Copenhagen Saturday and we met shortly after he landed. He took me to his favorite place in the city, a record store, where he bought me a cd he loved and thought I would enjoy.

We walked to Christiana to smoke some pot, and then to a bar for another beer. I headed off to my concert and he to his hotel. We met again after the show at a jazz club and promptly left to get back to his hotel – clothes were not needed this evening.

The sex was good, as it had been previously, but the thing that made it all the more amazing was how complimentary he was.

“Let me look at you Sally. Do you know how beautiful you are?”

After two years of almost no compliments, it was lovely to hear these words come from someone’s mouth so freely. Like he felt these things so strongly, he had to share them.

I’m glad he came back earlier, and I’m glad I had the chance to meet him. He made my weekend in Copenhagen all the more perfect – a beautiful man, saying lovely things to me and spoiling me.

And the boy played the blues

music is my boyfriend

Via We Heart It

Have you ever had one of those perfect weekends? One while you’re in the moment doesn’t seem real, and afterwards seems even less so?

I’m returning from one of those.

As I’ve done in the past, if I’m travelling alone and single while doing so, I troll online dating for a local, preferably cute, tour guide. Before I made it to Copenhagen, a very cute gentleman sent me a perfectly crafted message. He dared me to say no to sushi, and well, I just couldn’t. We made plans to meet my first night in the city.

I walked to our dinner location, and began to play out scenarios in my head on how this night would play out. Nothing could prepare me for how well it all went.

He was already sitting down when I arrived. I joined him at the table and it was like magic. He was funny and smart. He was complimentary and cynical. He was cute and self deprecating.

Essentially he checked off all the boxes in my checklist. Beyond that, the banter was fantastic – he had me laughing my ass off.

We finished dinner and he said “So, I’ve got a joint if you’d like to smoke it.” It was like he read my mind.

We went for some more drinks, smoked said joint and then went to a blues bar.

When we arrived at the blues bar there was a band on stage. Now I’m not a fan of blues, so this band could have been amazing or they could have been the worst in the history of blues, either way, this was such a random thing I couldn’t hate on it.

As the band got off stage, they announced that they would have a jam session for any musicians interested in getting on stage. My date leaned in and said to me “I’m going to play some music for you” and proceeded to get on stage to play.

There I sat, in a foreign land, with a foreign boy watching him play blues.

I’m not sure who’s life this is, but I’ll take it.