Posts Tagged ‘ Las Vegas Romance ’


I LOVE British Boys! (via I've Got You)

I have mentioned a few trips to Vegas so far. I love Vegas! I have no problem saying it, judge me all you want. I love the heat, I love the booze, I love the gambling, I love that it’s the last bastion of smoking, I love that I can stay up til six in the morning and not notice.

Basically, Vegas is my kinda long weekend.

Last year, after staying away for many years, me and three of my girlfriends went for a 30th birthday celebration. I had one goal: get laid.

It had been a while, whatever.

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It has been a tough week in Sally-ville.

Work has kicked my ass, a couple of times, Lieberhaber felt like he was pulling away, or at the very least becoming very frustrated and well, I feel fat. Boo.

My international friend has been hot & cold almost all week. I would wake up to text messages from him saying how much he missed me, and by the end of the day he would be telling me to find a cute boy here.

Yesterday, he commented on how this situation is bullshit, me living here, he living there. How unfair it is.

Of course I understand, I have been feeling the same way for months. It fucking sucks balls. Big elephant balls. To have this boy that I like and likes me back, live so far away, well that is the worst ever. And it’s not like his away is Toronto, or something. No, his away is 8333 km away. UGH!

Anyways, back to the point of this post. After the entire week of hot & cold, pushing and pulling, I got the greatest gift of all today.

A drunk dial from Italy.

Yes, my lover is in Italy with some buddies. At 2:30 am his time, he called me to tell me about how he is surrounded by beautiful Italian women, but only thinking about me.

“How fucked up is that?! That is a big problem I think,” he said.

It is the best kind of problem – one that has him thinking about me and ignoring the other girls.

I’m ok with that problem.

BOY BACKLOG: Leibhaber

Once upon a time, in a desert land, a girl and a boy locked eyes across a dancefloor. They danced, they laughed, they had the most memorable nights of the girl’s life. And one that continued far longer than it should have.

That girl was me, and that boy was Leibhaber.

The night we met, it was magical. He was so handsome – according to my girlfriend, he is the hottest guy I have ever been with – and that accent was so cute. After I almost got into a fight with a boy, we dragged our friends to an after-hours club, where we spent less than an hour.

There was no escaping it, we needed to get these clothes off right now.

So off in a cab, to his shabby hotel we did go, off to have ridiculous sex. And that should have been it.

But I left my number and that wasn’t the end of our little story.

No, instead he decided to use my number. He then asked for my email address, and we became online friends. Random dirty emails, with German thrown in for good measure and a few texts here and there. consumed the next few months.

I soon booked a trip to Paris – in part to go on a vacation, but also to put myself in proximity to the possibility of him. Soon, he made it clear he wanted to visit me in Paris and for me to visit his hometown.

Oh, these promises of great romance, they are so few and far between. Is there really anything wrong with me grabbing hold of one of them and enjoying it for a bit?

But I don’t think many great romances start with lewd acts, performed with a boy you hardly know.

I have to say though: Best. One-Night-Stand. Ever.

Of fantasy

Great Expectations - Casey O'Connell

My trip to Vegas and my tryst with Leibhaber have me living a dual life.

While I didn’t get to see him again that trip, he did call a few times, and we began a texting / Facebook (ick) flirt-fest.

This would be all well and good, but he lives in a different country, on a different continent, and well, it all kinda seems like a bit of a dream and I can’t live in that fantasy world for long.

Or can I?

To be honest with you, I kinda have been.

I have been living in this perfect little fantasy world where he and I will meet in two months (during my trip to Paris) and the romance will continue. That we will frolic together in the streets of Paris, eating, drinking, dancing, or happily not leaving the bedroom, and life would be grand.


I know it will likely not. The realist in me knows that, but my goodness are my fingers and toes crossed that it might.

There are so many things that can go wrong in the next 66 (yes, I have a countdown clock on my desktop). We might stop talking, he might bail at the last minute, we might see each other and not like each other, he might not be as cute as I remember.

See, so many things. And the list seems to grow daily.

Repeat hourly: Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.